2024年8月6日 星期二

[Spark TMC] 8/8的例會來啦! Coming meeting!


大家出門前, 會不會檢查隨身攜帶的東西? 或者是離開一個地點前, 再次確認自己帶的東西有沒有遺落呢? 相信很多人都會, 但有時候就是會有點小意外, 有些東西就是會突然間離家出走, 嚇掉你半條命

這次我們的主題是"失物招領", 想聽聽大家對於遺失物的小故事, 有沒有特別有趣的或者是值得借鏡的故事

請所有的與會工作人員, 回答下列問題給總主持人或總講評員
1. 請分享你自己印象最深刻的"失物招領"的經驗, 東西最後有找回來嗎?
2. 請分享你聽過最誇張的"失物招領"的故事

本次的例會將在8/8舉辦, 歡迎大家晚上7點, 到石牌這邊與我們一起開心講英文唷!

Before you go out, do you check and make sure you've got everything with you?
Do you double-check to see if you've left anything behind before leaving a place?

I believe many people do. But sometimes, it just happens. Some things mysteriously decide to run away from you and scare the hell out of you.

This following meeting on Aug 8th, our theme is "Lost and Found."

We'd like to hear everyone's stories about lost items. Do you have any interesting or valuable lessons to share?

All assignment takers, please kindly choose one question from below and share your answer to TME or GE before the meeting:
Q1: Share the most impressive experience about "Lost and Found". Have you retrieved those things back?

Q2: What is the most dramatic story that you ever heard about "Lost and Found"?

This meeting will be held on August 8th. We welcome everyone to join us at 7 PM for a relaxing English-speaking environment!
See you in Spark
Susan Chang

