2024年7月23日 星期二


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When it comes to summer, what bumps into your mind?
Sunshine, beach, and bikini?
This week we are going to talk about summer in Spark No586 meeting.
There are two prepared speakers, who are going to share their experience with us.
Bryian, the man who always brings sunshine to us, will share his personal story about "From Mountain to City streets", form dynamic leadership pathway.
The second prepared speaker, Susan, will tell us about humor.
Moreover, the multilingual genius, Amanda Uy, DTM from BID toastmasters club will come and have fun with us. Welcome to join us and learn from each other.

Don't worry, once the typhon Gaemi want to join us and come to the North of Taiwan, we will adapt to it and change our toasters meeting into the online version. We will keep posted on Facebook, and Instagram, as soon as the government has made the announcement that residents in Taipei, New Taipei city, Keelung and Taoyuan have the typhon day-off.

Look forward to having fun with us!

