TME = Toastmaster of the evening
TME 負責整個會議的主持,所以稱為總主持人。會介紹什麼是toastmasters, helpers, 各session master及演講者。
所以除了IE及LE之外, 所有擔任工作的人都會需要回覆TME關於meeting theme的問題,這可以讓TME介紹大家外,也避免每一次的介紹都一樣,還有分享給大家對於會議主題不同的看法。
Meeting theme以及給Assignment takers的問題可以交給VPE(教育副會長)安排, 或者是TME自己安排
TME is in charge of the meeting and will introduce the history of toastmaster club, helpers, session masters and speakers.
Therefore, people, who will come to the stage, but IE and LE have to answer some questions about meeting theme, and this will make the rest of people know more about them and also share different opinions about the meeting theme.
Meeting theme and relative questions to Assignment takers can be arranged by VPE or TME herself/himself.
若是會議的進程有顯著的延遲, 請提醒TME與VPE, 看要如何調整.
Different task and role will have different time restriction. Timer should count it correctively and should show the right sign to the one in the stage to remind them of time. If there is serious delay, please discuss with TME or VPE about how to adjust.
Ah counter
Count unnecessary words, sounds, or mistakes to assist the one on the stage improve their language and word usage.
Vote counter & board writer
Before the meeting, the ticket will be given to each member and guest. The voting principle and feedback will be clearly explained when the vote counter introduce his/her role and duty on the stage.
During the meeting, the name of the person who came to the stage(prepared speech speakers, table topic speakers) will be written on the whiteboard by vote counter, and the time and number of Ahs which are reported by the timer and the Ah counter will also need to be written on the whiteboard by the vote counter.
Finally, the results of the voting will be counted, and vote counter should tell the president results. The president will award the outstanding performers at the end of the meeting to encourage them; Moreover, the vote counter should collect feedback sheets and respectively give to the speakers, the president or TME to let them know the advice and praise from the other participants.
Variety session master
內容不限, 舉凡用英文進行的遊戲, 帶動唱, 歌曲教學都可以
The host of the warm-up, so that everyone can relax at the beginning.
There is no restricted or standard content, games or songs are all accepted.
Prepared Speaker
事先就已經登記要演講者。每一篇演講都會依照手冊的指定objective 再做個人的發揮。
The speaker is already registered in advance. Each speech will be personally performed according to the specified objective of the manual.
Table topics session master
(如果可以的話, 先請本會會員或者是他會會員上台做示範, 之後再請願意上台的來賓上台, 可以在中場休息時間的時候詢問來賓是否有意願上台回答問題)
The host of impromptu question will design a topic that has a relationship with the theme of the meeting.
(This part usually gives priority to people who don't have a job in the meeting, and try to make everyone have a chance to speak)
(If you can, please ask our members or other members to demonstrate first, and then invite the guests come to the stage to deliver their speech. You can ask if the guests are willing to come to the stage to answer questions during the intermission time)
GE = General evaluator
總講評員 |
Responsible for the general comment, the quality of the entire meeting, and the introduction of IE and LE.
IE = individual evaluator
個別講評員 |
會找出演講者演講的優點 (幫助演講者建立信心外,同時讓他知道有哪些優點可以繼續保留),以及如何進步 (不是單純的挑出缺點, 要舉出具體的例子讓講者參考)。
Usually one IE correspond to one speaker.
IE need to find out the advantages of the speaker's speech (to help the speaker build confidence, while letting him know what advantages can be retained), and how to improve (not simply pick out the shortcomings, give specific examples for the speaker to refer to) .
LE = language evaluator
語言講評員 |
針對語言做講評,包含文法、發音、用字。同樣不僅限於有問題的部分,也包含找出當天會議中 “推薦” 可以記下來的句字或單字…等。
Comment on the language, including grammar, pronunciation, and words. It is not limited to the problematic part, but also includes the words or phrases that are good enough to be memorized by everyone in this meeting.