2025年2月11日 星期二

Welcome to attend Spark meeting on Feb 13th

Dear Spark members and most welcome guests:

Welcome to Spark meeting No.598 on Feb 13th , our first meeting after Chinese Lunar Year. The meeting theme is "Generation Gap". 

The society is changing faster and faster. When I was a college student, I used papers and pen to take notes, and now the college student use ipad to take notes. Today, let's talk about generation gap and share our personal experience and opinions with each other. 

Timer, Ah counter, prepared speakers and table topics session master, please answer the following questions to TME Bryian Hung; 
IEs and LEs, please answer the following questions to GE Grace.

Q1: Have you ever experienced a generation gap ? Please share with us your personal experience.
Q2: Share with us your tips for communicating across generations.

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2025年1月18日 星期六

Come to Spark on 1/23 to enhance English and health

嗨, 大家好

歡迎參加1/23的石牌國際演講會。主題是:「Pressure (壓力)」。

Q1: What pressure do you sometimes encounter?
Q2: What are good ways for you to release pressure?



Dear Spark members and friends,

Welcome to attend the meeting of Spark TMC on 1/23. The meeting theme is
"Pressure". Pressure is inevitable. Therefore, we are all interested in learning effective ways to release pressure. Please come to share with us your tips. You may also find good ideas shared by other people.

All assignment takers please answer one of the following questions to TME Joanna.
Q1: What pressure do you sometimes encounter?
Q2: What are good ways for you to release pressure?

No doubt, exercise is one of the best ways to release pressure. We are very honored to invite Ms. 周淑芳to give us an one-hour exercise training on 1/23, including aerobics, strength training and stretch. She is a very popular exercise teacher in many community centers in Tienmu, etc. 

Please come and enhance your health as well as English on 1/23 with us. The draft agenda is attached. If you have any question, welcome to let us know by leaving your message on our fans page.

Best wishes,
Freda Chiang

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2025年1月6日 星期一

Welcome to attend Spark meeting on 1/9

嗨, 大家好

2025年第一次的例會即將於1/9舉行。主題是:"Singing (唱歌)"。

唱歌非常有益健康。有助於強健腹肌、增大肺活量。也讓唱的和聽的人心情愉快、或深受感動。你經常唱歌嗎? 在甚麼情況下呢? 有哪些歌讓你印象深刻、打動你的心呢? 歡迎你來高歌一曲!

Q1: Do you like to sing in Karaoke or some special events? If yes, what's your favorite song??
Q2: Do you enjoy singing shows? Who is your favorite singer?

請大家在1/9活動中與我們分享你的想法。此外,更棒的是:石牌英語演講會的創會會長Susan Wu將蒞臨,並分享她在西班牙花了29天走完聖雅各朝聖之路的精彩旅遊經驗。絕對讓你大開眼界、增廣見聞。



Dear Spark members and friends,

Happy New Year! Our first meeting in 2025 will be held on 1/9. The meeting theme
is "Singing". Singing is beneficial to our health. It is good for our muscles and lungs. Moreover, we often feel happy and touched when singing or listening to songs. Do you like to sing every day? Where? Which songs impress you most? Welcome to attend the meeting and sing a song.

All assignment takers please answer one of the following questions to TME David.
Q1: Do you like to sing in Karaoke or some special events? If yes, what's your favorite song??
Q2: Do you enjoy singing shows? Who is your favorite singer?

Moreover, we will have a special guest on that night—Susan Wu, who is the founder president of Spark TMC. She will share with us her exciting experience of 29 days traveling in Spain (Camino de Santiago).


Please come and have a good time with us on 1/9. The draft agenda is attached. If you have any question, welcome to let us know by leaving your message on our fans page.

See you soon. 

Freda Chiang

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See you at Spark on Jan. 9

嗨, 大家好

2025年第一次的例會即將於1/9舉行。主題是:"Singing (唱歌)"。

唱歌非常有益健康。有助於強健腹肌、增大肺活量。也讓唱的和聽的人心情愉快、或深受感動。你經常唱歌嗎? 在甚麼情況下呢? 有哪些歌讓你印象深刻、打動你的心呢? 歡迎你來高歌一曲!

Q1: Do you like to sing in Karaoke or some special events? If yes, what's your favorite song??
Q2: Do you enjoy singing shows? Who is your favorite singer?

請大家在1/9活動中與我們分享你的想法。此外,更棒的是:石牌英語演講會的創會會長Susan Wu將蒞臨,並分享她在西班牙花了29天走完聖雅各朝聖之路的精彩旅遊經驗。絕對讓你大開眼界、增廣見聞。



Dear Spark members and friends,

Happy New Year! Our first meeting in 2025 will be held on 1/9. The meeting theme
is "Singing". Singing is beneficial to our health. It is good for our muscles and lungs. Moreover, we often feel happy and touched when singing or listening to songs. Do you like to sing every day? Where? Which songs impress you most? Welcome to attend the meeting and sing a song.

All assignment takers please answer one of the following questions to TME David.
Q1: Do you like to sing in Karaoke or some special events? If yes, what's your favorite song??
Q2: Do you enjoy singing shows? Who is your favorite singer?

Moreover, we will have a special guest on that night—Susan Wu, who is the founder president of Spark TMC. She will share with us her exciting experience of 29 days traveling in Spain (Camino de Santiago).


Please come and have a good time with us on 1/9. The draft agenda is attached. If you have any question, welcome to let us know by leaving your message on our fans page.

See you soon. 

Freda Chiang

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2024年12月21日 星期六

[Spark TMC] Comming meeting combined with Chrismas party on 12/26

嗨, 大家好
我們這次12/26 的例會暨聖誕派對的主題是:"Your secret to staying healthy".

Q1: What's your secret to staying healthy?
Q2: When was the last time you were sick? And how come?

FB粉專: https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub
Dear Sparks and Friends,
Our regular meeting combined with Christina party will be held on 26th Dec., and the theme is "Your secret to staying healthy".
In this era of rapidly advancing AI, virtual characters can work tirelessly, and code never catches a cold—but we humans aren't so fortunate. Birth, aging, illness, and death are our daily challenges, especially when faced with evolving viruses and relentless stress. Health, like a power-up in a game, must be replenished constantly to keep progressing.
In the human world, the causes of illness are incredibly complex. How do you recover or maintain your health? What's your method? What keeps you energized in this game of life? Let's share our secrets, help each other out, and master this "human-exclusive" survival adventure together!

All assignments takers, please answer one follows questions to TME Freda.
Q1: What's your secret to staying healthy?
Q2: When was the last time you were sick? And how come?
Please share with us your thoughts and have a good time together on 12/26. The draft agenda is attended. If you have any questions, just let us know by leaving the messages or reviews on our fans page.

FB Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub
See you soon.
Steven Wu

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2024年12月10日 星期二

[Spark TMC] Comming meeting 12/12



我們這次12/12 的例會主題是:How Technology Is Transforming Our Lives



Q1: What is the innovative technologies you use daily?

Q2: What innovative technology products do you hope to have? 







Dear Sparks and Friends,


Our regular meeting will be held on 12th Dec., and the theme is "How Technology Is Transforming Our Lives".


Technology has become an essential part of our daily lives, shaping how we work, communicate, and interact with the world. From important advancements in healthcare and education to the growing use of artificial intelligence and digital tools, technology constantly changes what we can achieve. This topic encourages us to look at the major changes brought by technology, think about its effects on our personal and professional lives, and imagine the future it might create. By understanding both the benefits and challenges, we can better appreciate how technology shapes our world.


All assignments takers, please answer one follows questions to TME Christina.

Q1: What is the innovative technologies you use daily?

Q2: What innovative technology products do you hope to have? 


Please share with us your thoughts and have a good time together on 12/12. The draft agenda is attended. If you have any questions, just let us know by leaving the messages or reviews on our fans page.



FB Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub



See you soon.

Steven Wu


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2024年11月26日 星期二

[Spark TMC] Comming meeting 11/28







這份成功的背後,除了選手全力以赴的拼勁外,更重要的是團隊領導力的展現,這正是此次致勝的關鍵。因此,本文將以「領導力」為主題,深入探討它在成功中的重要角色。 所有的小幫手們以及要上台的與會人員請在開會前選擇一問題回答給總主持人或者是總評論員唷!


Q1: What lessons about leadership can we learn from Team Taiwan's championship journey?

Q2: From your point of view, how did the team leaders help the players stay strong under pressure? 







Dear Sparks and Friends,


Our regular meeting will be held on 14th Nov., and the theme is "The lie-flat culture".


Taiwan won the championship after 32 years. This is the best result in the team's history and a big moment to celebrate.


This success didn't happen by luck. The players stayed strong against tough opponents, showing great skills and amazing teamwork. Behind this success, in addition to the players' relentless effort and determination, the team's leadership proved to be the key to victory. Therefore, this article will focus on the theme of "leadership" and delve into its pivotal role in achieving success.


All assignments takers, please answer one follows questions to TME David.

Q1: What lessons about leadership can we learn from Team Taiwan's championship journey?

Q2: From your point of view, how did the team leaders help the players stay strong under pressure? 


Please share with us your thoughts and have a good time together on 11/28. The draft agenda is attended. If you have any questions, just let us know by leaving the messages or reviews on our fans page.



FB Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub



See you soon.

Steven Wu


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