2024年7月23日 星期二


**由於颱風來襲, 若7/25放颱風假, 則改在線上進行, 請隨時留意粉專動態與IG限動, 若改線上, 會在會議當天提供網址**

When it comes to summer, what bumps into your mind?
Sunshine, beach, and bikini?
This week we are going to talk about summer in Spark No586 meeting.
There are two prepared speakers, who are going to share their experience with us.
Bryian, the man who always brings sunshine to us, will share his personal story about "From Mountain to City streets", form dynamic leadership pathway.
The second prepared speaker, Susan, will tell us about humor.
Moreover, the multilingual genius, Amanda Uy, DTM from BID toastmasters club will come and have fun with us. Welcome to join us and learn from each other.

Don't worry, once the typhon Gaemi want to join us and come to the North of Taiwan, we will adapt to it and change our toasters meeting into the online version. We will keep posted on Facebook, and Instagram, as soon as the government has made the announcement that residents in Taipei, New Taipei city, Keelung and Taoyuan have the typhon day-off.

Look forward to having fun with us!

2024年7月11日 星期四

轉寄: [Spark TMC] 第一場跳脫框架的輕負擔會議!

寄件者: Susan Chang <chang_s_f@hotmail.com>
寄件日期: 2024年7月11日 上午 10:31
收件者: sparkletmc@googlegroups.com <sparkletmc@googlegroups.com>; sparktmc@googlegroup.com <sparktmc@googlegroup.com>
主旨: [Spark TMC] 第一場跳脫框架的輕負擔會議!
Hi 大家好🙋‍♀️
從今年開始,Spark 會以運動為主軸當做分會特色。

See you in Spark
From Spark's officer team!

2024年6月9日 星期日

[Spark TMC] The coming meeting on 6/13

Dear Spark Toastmasters and friends,

The next Spark meeting is held on 6/13 and  the meeting theme is "Bazaar".

Immerse yourself in the electrifying atmosphere of Taiwan's legendary night markets, a favorite of NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang! These vibrant marketplaces come alive after sunset, offering a sensory overload of sights, sounds, and smells. Picture the bustling crowds, the enticing aroma of street food, and the dazzling array of stalls selling everything from quirky trinkets to the latest tech gadgets.

This meeting, we invite you to share your best bazaar or market experience, with a special spotlight on Taiwan's night markets. Have you navigated the narrow lanes of Shilin, tasting the mouthwatering stinky tofu and juicy Xiao Long Bao? Or perhaps you've haggled for unique souvenirs at Raohe, surrounded by the neon glow of signs and the hum of lively chatter? Every story adds a rich layer to our celebration of these cultural hotspots.

Join us for an evening of captivating tales and community spirit, as we explore the magic and excitement of markets around the world, with a special nod to the night bazaars beloved by tech titans. Don't miss this chance to be part of our dynamic marketplace of ideas. See you there! 🌍

◆ Meeting Time: 19:10~21:10 (expected approach time 18:55)

◆ Venue: 9F., No. 115, Sec. 2, Shipai Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City (Near exit #1 of MAR Shipai station)

◆ FB HP: https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub



沉浸在台灣傳奇夜市的熱鬧氛圍中,這是 NVIDIA CEO 黃仁勳的最愛!這些充滿活力的市場在日落後變得生機勃勃,帶來視覺、聽覺和嗅覺的極致享受。想像一下熙熙攘攘的人群、誘人的街頭小吃香味以及琳瑯滿目的攤位,從奇特的小飾品到最新的科技產品應有盡有。



【會議時間】19:10~21:10 (場地18:55才開放進場)

【會場位置】台北市北投區石牌路二段115號9F (石牌捷運站1號出口,步行約6分鐘即可抵達)


晏榕 (Christina)

2024年5月23日 星期四


Dear Spark Toastmasters and friends,

The next Spark meeting is held on 5/23 The Toastmasters meeting theme is "Onward and Upward"

The 2024 April Toastmasters Conference was a successful ending, It provided many Superstars and made some dreams come true, and how about yours? Keep on! You will be the next Superstar. Let’s enhance our self-improvement together.

We invite many heavy-weight toastmasters to make workshops for us, The 1st is Professor, She is good at presenting speeches, won the Champion of Mandarin Speech Contest many times, She will present a workshop “ 零下30度的北國風情the 2nd Distinguished toastmaster is Richard Lo from Life Bridge TMC, He will teach us “How to Catch the Beautiful Moment” for us. We also invite the Master of Body Language Sterling Hsiao to present a speech and invite Yun-ling Wan, the President of China TMC to be our GE, That must be excellent, We can learn a lot from them. Welcome to participate and enjoy the meeting.

For assignment takers, please reply below questions to TME or GE before the meeting. are

Q1: What’s your 1st goal in your life, How to reach it?

Q2: Please share some strategies to enhance the promotion opportunities.

◆ Meeting Time: 19:10~21:10 (expected approach time 18:55)

◆ Venue: 9F., No. 115, Sec. 2, Shipai Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City (Near exit #1 of MAR Shipai station)

◆ FB HP: https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub


親愛的火花會員及朋友,我們下一場火花會議將在5/23舉辦。我們這次的主題是”Onward and Upward”{步步高升}


我們這次有邀請許多位嘉賓,第一位是王玉梅教授,她是演講界高手,奪得過多次國語演講比賽的冠軍,這次她會來分享他的遊記零下30度的北國風情.第二位是來自生橋俱樂部的Richard,他要來教我們如何抓住最美的瞬間”,3位是邀請表演界的大師蕭忠文來為我們做演講,我們還盛情邀約到China TMC的會長王韻齡女士來為我們當總講評,這是我們第一次同時匯集中英要角, 來為我們分享, 讓我們增加能量,步步高升.



Q1: 請問你的第一個人生目標是什麼? 如何達成?

Q2: 請分享一個如何陞官進爵的小秘方?

【會議時間】19:10~21:10 (場地18:55才開放進場)

【會場位置】台北市北投區石牌路二段1159F (石牌捷運站1號出口,步行約6分鐘即可抵達)


2024年5月2日 星期四

[Spark TMC] The coming meeting on 5/9

Dear Spark Toastmasters and friends,

The next Spark meeting is held on 5/9 The  Toastmasters meeting theme "Mother's Day" 
Mother's Day is a day that focuses on celebrating and honoring mothers and maternal figures for all they do. It's a day that asks people to show gratitude to maternal figures for their effect on our personal lives and their work in society.

This celebration changes all over the world depending on which country you are in. But all focus on demonstrating love and appreciation for mother.

We invite an Elegant and multitalent lady Rita Lian from Sparkle TMC to make a workshop for us. Welcome to participate and enjoy the meeting.

For assignment takers, please reply below questions to TME or GE before the meeting. are
Q1: What will you do on Mother's Day? 
Q2: Please share any unforgettable event about your mother.

◆ Meeting Time: 19:10~21:00 (expected approach time 18:50)
◆ Venue: 9F., No. 115, Sec. 2, Shipai Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City (Near exit #1 of MAR Shipai station)
◆ FB HP: https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub


親愛的火花會員及朋友,我們下一場火花會議將在5/9舉辦。我們這次的主題是"Mother's Day"{母親節} 


我們這次還有邀請嘉賓Rita Lian 來自Sparkle TMC 來為我們分享, 歡迎大家一起來參與及聆聽

Q1: 請問今年的母親節預備如何慶祝?
Q2: 請分享一個難忘或有趣的,關於你的母親的事件

【會議時間】19:10~21:00 (場地18:50才開放進場)
【會場位置】台北市北投區石牌路二段115號9F (石牌捷運站1號出口,步行約6分鐘即可抵達)

See you😉
晏榕 (Christina)

2024年4月24日 星期三

[Spark TMC] The coming meeting on 4/24 will be suspended.




The regular meeting on Thursday 4/24 will be suspended due to the club officer meeting!

Steven Wu

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2024年4月9日 星期二

[Spark TMC] The coming meeting on 4/11








1.     What setbacks have you suffered recently?







Dear Sparks and Friends,


Our regular meeting will be held on 11th Apr., and the theme is "Setbacks".


With the advent of the technological age, life has become busy. We have to face different choices and complete many large and small things every day. Among these tasks, some may succeed and some may fail. When we succeed, we feel that we are deeply valuable and valuable. Achievements, but perhaps the most common feeling experienced when failing is frustration, followed by disappointment, self-blame, and even anger. However, failure brings more than just negative effects. As the saying goes, " Failure teaches success." It is said that it is inevitable to experience failure before success. So, let us think further about how to quench the frustration of failure into the power of success.


All assignments takers, please answer one follows questions to TME Bryian.

1.      What setbacks have you suffered recently?


Please share with us your thoughts and have a good time together on 4/11. The draft agenda is attended. If you have any questions, just let us know by leaving the messages or reviews on our fans page.



FB Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub



See you soon.

Steven Wu

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