我們上一版的議程表有些地方沒有更改到, 請大家看一下新的議程表, 明天見!!
We have adjusted the meeting theme and theme quesions, enclosed please find our revised agenda for your reference, See you in Spark!

寄件者: sparktmc@googlegroups.com <sparktmc@googlegroups.com> 代表 Jeff Huang <jeff@excelmake.com.tw>
寄件日期: 2024年3月13日 下午 01:40
收件者: sparktmc@googlegroups.com <sparktmc@googlegroups.com>
主旨: [Spark TMC] The coming meeting on 3/14
寄件日期: 2024年3月13日 下午 01:40
收件者: sparktmc@googlegroups.com <sparktmc@googlegroups.com>
主旨: [Spark TMC] The coming meeting on 3/14
Dear Spark Toastmasters and friends,
The Spark meeting is held on 3/14(Thur.)
Some people may know that members of our Spark team have a habit of exercising regularly. Studies have shown that people who engage in regular exercise are much healthier in body, mind, and spirit than those who do not. Yes, I believe everyone wants to live a happy and fulfilling life, but "regular exercise" must start with "self-discipline"! And our theme this time is "From cradle to grave."
We hope that through discussions and exchanges at this gathering, everyone can find the "key to happiness" in their hearts.
Welcome to participate and enjoy the meeting.
For assignment takers, please reply below questions to TME or GE before the meeting.
Q1: Do you believe we can eliminate the 'sickness' from the cycle of birth, aging, sickness, and death in one's life?
Q2: In your life, have you ever faced challenges that you found very difficult?
◆ Meeting Time: 19:10~21:00 (expected approach time 18:50)
◆ Venue: 9F., No. 115, Sec. 2, Shipai Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City (Near exit #1 of MAR Shipai station)
◆ FB HP: Log into Facebook
Q1: 你相信我們可以把人一生的"生,老,病,死"裡中的"病"去除嗎?
【會議時間】19:10~21:00 (場地18:50才開放進場)
【會場位置】台北市北投區石牌路二段115號9F (石牌捷運站1號出口,步行約6分鐘即可抵達)
-- The Spark meeting is held on 3/14(Thur.)
Some people may know that members of our Spark team have a habit of exercising regularly. Studies have shown that people who engage in regular exercise are much healthier in body, mind, and spirit than those who do not. Yes, I believe everyone wants to live a happy and fulfilling life, but "regular exercise" must start with "self-discipline"! And our theme this time is "From cradle to grave."
We hope that through discussions and exchanges at this gathering, everyone can find the "key to happiness" in their hearts.
Welcome to participate and enjoy the meeting.
For assignment takers, please reply below questions to TME or GE before the meeting.
Q1: Do you believe we can eliminate the 'sickness' from the cycle of birth, aging, sickness, and death in one's life?
Q2: In your life, have you ever faced challenges that you found very difficult?
◆ Meeting Time: 19:10~21:00 (expected approach time 18:50)
◆ Venue: 9F., No. 115, Sec. 2, Shipai Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City (Near exit #1 of MAR Shipai station)
◆ FB HP: Log into Facebook
可能有些人知道,我們Spark的成員都有規律運動的習慣,有研究指出有從事規律運動的人其 身,心,靈 的狀況要比沒有從事規律運動的人健康很多嗎??是的,相信每個人都希望自己生活甚至生命都活得自在開心,但是"規律運動"一切必須要從"自律"開始!!, 而我們這一次的主題為"From cradle to grave"
Q1: 你相信我們可以把人一生的"生,老,病,死"裡中的"病"去除嗎?
Q2: 在你的生活中,曾經遇到你覺得非常困難的挑戰嗎?
【會議時間】19:10~21:00 (場地18:50才開放進場)
【會場位置】台北市北投區石牌路二段115號9F (石牌捷運站1號出口,步行約6分鐘即可抵達)
這是 Google 網路論壇針對「Sparktmc」群組發送的訂閱通知郵件。
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如要在網路上查看這項討論,請造訪 https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/sparktmc/CAB4mcG80o_eurB4zo9LtR99kZU5tW0qovGTy9iWuZEZcAs%2B1fw%40mail.gmail.com。
I appreciate the practical wisdom embedded in your blog.