2024年3月27日 星期三

[Spark TMC] The coming meeting on 3/28

Dear Spark Toastmasters and friends,

The Spark meeting is held on 3/28(Thur.)

We all require nutrition to sustain life. Enjoying amazing cuisine often brings us joy. However, there have been several concerning food safety incidents in Taiwan recently, leading to worries about food safety. Therefore, our meeting theme this week will be "Food Safety," and we would like to invite you to share your insights on this matter.

For assignment takers, please reply below questions to TME or GE before the meeting.

Q1:In your daily routine, do you consistently prioritize the origins of your food? Are there specific regions or countries whose food products you trust more?
Q2: Given the recent severity of food safety issues in Taiwan, do you have any ideas that can mitigate their impact on your life?

◆ Meeting Time: 19:10~21:00 (expected approach time 18:50)
◆ Venue: 9F., No. 115, Sec. 2, Shipai Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City (Near exit #1 of MAR Shipai station)
◆ FB HP: Log into Facebook



民以食為天, 我們人生中少不了美食, 但最近台灣頻頻爆發出食安問題, 讓大家對於每天所吃的食物有了不少疑慮, 所以本次的會議將以"食品安全"作為主題


Q1:平時吃東西的時候, 會注意產地來源嗎? 那些產地來源會讓你比較安心?
Q2:食安問題這麼嚴重, 有甚麼方式可以減少這些問題對於自身的影響?

【會議時間】19:10~21:00 (場地18:50才開放進場)
【會場位置】台北市北投區石牌路二段115號9F (石牌捷運站1號出口,步行約6分鐘即可抵達)

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