2023年3月6日 星期一

[Spark TMC] The coming meeting on 3/9

親愛的 Spark 和朋友們:


我們這週的主題是"Crazy Things"

請所有應聘者回答以下問題之一給 TME 或 GE

Q : What is the craziest thing that you have experienced?

希望所有的小幫手們以及要上台的與會人員, 請在開會前將問題回答給總主持人或者是總評論員唷!

Venue: 台北市北投區石牌路二段115號9F (石牌捷運站1號出口,步行約6分鐘即可抵達)
FB HP:  https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub

Dear Spark members and friends:

When we think of "crazy things", we often imagine daring adventures, unconventional ideas, or unexpected events. These moments can be thrilling, scary, or even life-changing.
Today, we would like to explore some of the craziest things that people have done or experienced.

Of course, "Crazy Things" is our meeting theme for this week.

All assignment takers please answer the question below to TME or GE

Q : What is the craziest thing that you have experienced?

台北市北投區石牌路二段115號9F (石牌捷運站1號出口,步行約6分鐘即可抵達)

FB HP:  https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub


See you soon


Jeff Huang


Spark's VPE 2022~2023

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