2023年2月7日 星期二

[Spark TMC] The coming meeting on 2/9

親愛的 Spark 和朋友們:

根據總部位於華盛頓的卡托研究所和溫哥華- 基弗雷澤的研究調查報告稱。排名前 10 位的國家按降序排列分別是瑞士、紐西蘭、愛沙尼亞、丹麥、愛爾蘭、瑞典、冰島、芬蘭、荷蘭和盧森堡。
加拿大排名第 13 位,其次是台灣,德國排名第 18 位,英國排名第 20 位,美國排名第 23 位,烏克蘭排名第 89 位,俄羅斯排名第 119 位,敘利亞排名最後,排名第 165 位。


請所有應聘者回答以下問題之一給 TME 或 GE

Q : What does freedom mean to you personally?

希望所有的小幫手們以及要上台的與會人員, 請在開會前將問題回答給總主持人或者是總評論員唷!

Venue: 台北市北投區石牌路二段115號9F (石牌捷運站1號出口,步行約6分鐘即可抵達)
FB HP:  

Dear Sparks and friends:

Taiwan tops Asia on human freedom index
NO.14 IN THE WORLD: The report said that there is a strong link between freedom and democracy, adding that freedom plays a critical role in the well-being of people
Taiwan ranked 14th on last year's Human Freedom Index, the highest placement among countries in Asia, two places ahead of Japan, 16 ahead of South Korea and 138 in front of China, a report published by the Washington-based Cato Institute and the Vancouver-based Fraser Institute said.
The top 10 countries, in descending order, are Switzerland, New Zealand, Estonia, Denmark, Ireland, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, said the report, which was published on Thursday last week.
Canada took the No. 13 spot, followed by Taiwan, with Germany at 18, the UK at 20, the US at 23, Ukraine at 89, Russia at 119 and Syria last at 165.

Our meeting theme this week is "freedom"

All assignment takers please answer the question below to TME or GE

Q : 
What does freedom mean to you personally?

台北市北投區石牌路二段115號9F (石牌捷運站1號出口,步行約6分鐘即可抵達)

FB HP:  https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub


See you soon


Jeff Huang


Spark's VPE 2022~2023

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