嗨, 大家好
本週四即將Spark例行會議與交接儀式,此次主題是「Taiwanese Deli」。
所有的小幫手們以及要上台的與會人員, 請在開會前選擇一問題回答給總主持人或者是總評論員唷!
1. What's your first Taiwanese Deli when you're hungry?
2. What do you recommend Taiwanese Deli to your friends?
會議ID:261 663 1118
會議密碼: 574727
FB粉專: https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub
Dear Sparks and Friends,
We have the regular meeting and installation on Thursday, the theme is "Taiwanese Deli".
The people in Taiwan who usually eat out, at least choose one Taiwanese Deli for their meal such as, pork rice, noodles, dumplings, fried dumplings, some chicken bento, pork ribs bento, etc., they're all around the corner, easy to find and affordable price, everyone loves them and put them in the first place. If you're hungry, which one is your first Taiwanese Deli?
All assignments takers, please answer one follows questions to TME Bryian.
1. What's your first Taiwanese Deli when you're hungry?
2. What do you recommend Taiwanese Deli to your friends?
Please share with us your thoughts and have a good time together on 6/23. The draft agenda is attended. If you have any questions, just let us know by leaving the messages or reviews on our fans page.
Please join our meeting via this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2616631118?pwd=R0o4UGVXbVFMYnpQdWFDY2x3d014Zz09
Meeting ID:261 663 1118
FB Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub
See you soon.
Steven Wu
Spark's VPE 2021-2022
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