嗨, 大家好
這是Spark 的23歲生日,我們和Spark一起渡過的這一年充滿歡樂與挑戰。從五月開始轉為線上會議後,我們有很多許久未見的朋友來參與,因為網路提供我們便利,讓我們零距離開心的敘舊。同時線上會議也帶來一些挑戰,要思考如何在線上舉辦會議與活動,同時克服技術問題,考驗著臨場反應。今年是相當有挑戰性且充實,也是相當值得紀念的一年。
此次Dress code的元素是與海洋有關,像是身上穿戴海洋元素的東西、顏色,或海洋生物圖樣的都可以,自由發揮創意當然也沒問題。因為是Zoom線上會議,當天的虛擬背景要改成海洋有關的圖片,這裡推薦Unsplash免費相片分享網站,可以取得自已喜歡的相片用在背景喔。我們也會安排舉杯慶祝的時間,請大家準備喜歡的飲料與杯子,一起來為Spark慶生吧!
所有的小幫手們以及要上台的與會人員, 請在開會前選擇一問題回答給總主持人或者是總評論員唷!
1. What's the first thing you think of about the ocean?
會議ID:214 079 1387
會議密碼: 210527
FB粉專: https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub
Dear Sparks and Friends,
We have a club ceremony this Thursday. The meeting theme is "Ocean".
This is Spark's 23rd birthday; we're experiencing the pleasures and the challenges this year. When the meeting moved to Online in May, we had so many old friends from different places, we caught up with each other, talking about life and how the pandemic in their place is, we felt sweet and warm, also thanked the internet brought us a convenient life. Meanwhile, holding the online meeting was no picnic, we had to deal with the challenges from the online activities and solving the technical issues, but we learned a lot of experiences from them. This would be an unforgettable year we've never had.
The dress code of the ceremony is about the ocean, any things and elements about it are allowed, such as the decorations, the cosplay, colors, patterns, etc., we're very happy to see the creative styles. In addition, the virtual background of Zoom meeting also needs to meet the theme; you can find tons of images in this sharing stock photography website, called Unsplash. The last thing is we'll toast at the meeting, please bring up your favorite drinks and cups, and have fun together with Spark.
All assignments takers please answer one follows questions to TME Jeff Huang or GE Polly.
1. What's the first thing you think of about the ocean?
Please share with us your thoughts and have a good time together on 9/9. The draft agenda is attended. Please book your schedule and join the meeting via Zoom. If you have any questions, just let us know by leaving messages or reviews on our fans page.
Please join our meeting via this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2140791387?pwd=NXBGSHlmZ01UZXU2VXloVTNRcy9NZz09
Meeting ID:214 079 1387
FB Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub
See you soon.
Steven Wu
Spark's VPE 2021-2022