Spark 的精選Workshop又來囉!
本期邀請到了National Geographic Learning的資深講師: Andrew Tiffany.
Andrew曾擔任過迪士尼的教育訓練講師, 目前在National Geographic Learning, 也是從事教育訓練工作.
對他來說, 演講不僅僅是"把話講出來", 更要達到有效的溝通. 想聽聽他如何做到良好的溝通以及讓演講更生動嗎? 你也想讓你的英文很有梗, 在台上如魚得水不冷場嗎? 那你就不能夠錯過這場精彩的線上講座.
時間: 8/26, 晚間7點到9點
線上Zoom會議室ID: 214 079 1387
會議密碼: 210527
Hi, Everyone,
Spark will hold a special workshop – How to make your speech more engaging
Speeches are not just about speaking; there are many things you can incorporate to make your speech a more engaging experience. In this workshop, we will see examples of other forms of communication that you can use apart from the words in your speech, and how you can add these to enhance your speeches and get better evaluations!
We invite Andrew Tiffany, experience trainer from National Geographic Learning & Disney, to hold this workshop.
Time: 7 PM to 9 PM, Aug. 26th, 2021
Zoom ID: 214 079 1387
See you online.
Steven Wu,
Spark VPE 2021-2022
-- Spark 的精選Workshop又來囉!
本期邀請到了National Geographic Learning的資深講師: Andrew Tiffany.
Andrew曾擔任過迪士尼的教育訓練講師, 目前在National Geographic Learning, 也是從事教育訓練工作.
對他來說, 演講不僅僅是"把話講出來", 更要達到有效的溝通. 想聽聽他如何做到良好的溝通以及讓演講更生動嗎? 你也想讓你的英文很有梗, 在台上如魚得水不冷場嗎? 那你就不能夠錯過這場精彩的線上講座.
時間: 8/26, 晚間7點到9點
線上Zoom會議室ID: 214 079 1387
會議密碼: 210527
Hi, Everyone,
Spark will hold a special workshop – How to make your speech more engaging
Speeches are not just about speaking; there are many things you can incorporate to make your speech a more engaging experience. In this workshop, we will see examples of other forms of communication that you can use apart from the words in your speech, and how you can add these to enhance your speeches and get better evaluations!
We invite Andrew Tiffany, experience trainer from National Geographic Learning & Disney, to hold this workshop.
Time: 7 PM to 9 PM, Aug. 26th, 2021
Zoom ID: 214 079 1387
See you online.
Steven Wu,
Spark VPE 2021-2022
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