嗨! 大家好!
我們這周Spark有個特別的小工作坊, 我們請到了來自天母Toastmasters分會的Joanna Lee, 來講解一些講評的小技巧. Joanna加入演講會已經有了好幾年的時間了, 他的講評總是優雅並且可以切中重點, 提出實用並且精闢的改善方向, 讓演講者都能夠受惠許多. 若是你正在處於講評的摸索期, 或者是希望讓你的講評技巧更上一步, 或者單純的對於"講評"這件事情很好奇, 都歡迎你一起來參加我們的活動唷!
報名請往這邊: https://www.accupass.com/go/sparktmc0513
除了工作坊以外, 我們本周的主題是"家庭", 家庭在我們的人生中扮演了很重要的角色, 在本次的例會, 我們將會來針對這個主題請大家分享一些意見唷!
好啦! 附件就是我們這次的議程表, 大家有任何想告訴我們的話, 歡迎到我們的粉絲頁留言唷!
Susan Chang,
Spark's VPE 2020-2021
Dear Sparks and Friends,
This week, we will have a special workshop. Our lovely Joanna Lee will hold a workshop for evaluation.
If you are suffering how to evaluate properly, or want to push your evaluation skills to next level, welcome to join us.
Joanna has joined toastmasters for many years and also attended the evaluation contest many times. She always can give the speakers solid and useful suggestions. Don't miss this workshop!
Sign up Now: https://www.accupass.com/go/sparktmc0513
And, back to our meeting theme, our meeting theme this week is "Family". Family plays an important role in our life. We will share our ideas in this meeting.
All assignment takers please pick one of below questions and answer to TME or GE.
- Who influenced you most in your family?
- Are there any special days that you will celebrate with your family?
- How do you deal with the conflicts in your family?
- How do you deal with the generation gap in your family?
Enclosed please find our latest agenda for your reference. If you have any questions, please leave your message in our Fans page.
See you in Spark, Rain all shine,
Susan Chang
Spark's VPE 2020-2021