嗨! 大家好
本周我們有個特殊的活動唷! Spark 與 Incredible Asus將要舉辦聯合例會啦!
這次的主題是- 時光機
其實, 這次的聯合例會是兩社第一次的合作, 相信一定會有很多新的火花與有趣的會議內容在等著大家來發掘唷!
附件是我們的議程表, 有任何的問題, 歡迎在我們兩社粉絲專頁留下你們的訊息唷!
4/22, 就等著你來參加啦!
Dear Sparks and Friends,
Hi! This week, we will have a big event!
Spark and Incredible Asus will have a joint meeting!
The meeting theme is Time Machine. This is the first time cooperation between us, I believe there will be lots of inspirations and creative ideas in this special meeting.
Please join us on Apr 22nd and have fun together.
Enclosed please find our draft agenda for your reference. If you have any questions, please leave your message on Spark's Fans Page or IA's fans page.
See you on Apr 22nd.
Susan Chang
Spark's VPE 2020-2021