2019年4月26日 星期五

[Photo Album] Spark regular meeting on April 25th

Dear Fellow members and welcome guests,

Yesterday, we have a lot of sharing about the gap between expectation and reality.  Did you enjoy the meeting? ◕‿◕

Our TME Freda brought us relax and joyful meeting just like our GE Koki said, "it's like Freda has prepared for 7 years for this meeting!" ()~*  

Thanks for Bryian lead us to sing a lot of songs with numbers! We all warmed up after the funny session!

We had 3 prepared speakers to share what the game designer do, how to lose weigh by joining Toastmasters and the leadership style when learning/teaching ski! Fantastic!

What's the expectation and reality? The wonderful table topic session brought us many amazing stories and different point of view, Bravo!

Our evaluation session was fully of passion and power because we had super GE, professional IE and LE expert!

No matter you were in the meeting or not, you can enjoy it again through our album on Facebook 

Don't miss our next meeting on  May 9th!!! See you in May! 
=Σ((( •̀ώ)  Go! Go!

Love you,

