嗨, 大家好
我們這次8/24的例會主題是:Today's color
「Today's Color」,它不僅僅是一種視覺的感受,更是一種心靈的共鳴。每一種色彩都有其獨特的能量和意義,從充滿活力的紅色,到平靜寧和的藍色,從溫暖感人的橙色,到神秘深遠的紫色,它們都在不同的時刻,傳遞著不同的情感和信息。
讓我們攜手共同探索「Today's Color」,在這場意義非凡的演講活動中,一同綻放我們內心最美麗的色彩。
所有的小幫手們以及要上台的與會人員, 請在開會前選擇一問題回答給總主持人或者是總評論員唷!
1. What color are you wearing today? And why?
2. What's your favorite color? And why
FB粉專: https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub
Dear Sparks and Friends,
Our regular meeting will be held on 24th Aug., and the theme is "Today's color".
"Today's Color" is not just a visual experience; it's a resonance of the soul. Every color possesses its unique energy and significance, from the vibrant red full of vitality, to the tranquil and serene blue, from the warm and touching orange, to the mysterious and profound purple. They transmit different emotions and messages in different moments.
In this diverse and rapidly changing era, colors are also evolving. From fashion trends to artistic expressions, colors play a pivotal role in culture. They can connect different people, transcending language and cultural barriers, becoming a universal means of expression.
Let us join hands to collectively explore "Today's Color." In this remarkably meaningful speaking event, let us together radiate the most beautiful hues from within us. Thank you, everyone!
All assignments takers, please answer one follows questions to TME Susan and GE Johnson.
1. What color are you wearing today? And why?
2. What's your favorite color? And why
Please share with us your thoughts and have a good time together on 8/24. The draft agenda is attended. If you have any questions, just let us know by leaving the messages or reviews on our fans page.
FB Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub
See you soon.
Steven Wu
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