2023年5月23日 星期二

[Spark TMC] The coming meeting on 5/25

親愛的 Spark 和朋友們:

歡迎參加Spark Workshop! 我們很高興邀請到一位優秀的專業翻譯家;Jill Yang,分享她在翻譯領域中累積的寶貴經驗和見解。通過案例研究和討論,您可以了解如何在翻譯過程中適應文化差異,實現最佳溝通效果!激發您的創造力,增強您的翻譯表達能力!即使你不是想成為一名口譯員,您仍可以在這次工作坊中找到一種不同學習英語的方式。這是一個非常特殊的機會!讓我們一起深入探索翻譯和語言的魅力!


請所有應聘者回答以下問題之一給 TME 或 GE

Q : Do you think it's important to try to fully understand how other people see things before you share your own thoughts and ideas?

希望所有的小幫手們以及要上台的與會人員, 請在開會前將問題回答給總主持人或者是總評論員唷!

Venue: 台北市北投區石牌路二段115號9F (石牌捷運站1號出口,步行約6分鐘即可抵達)
FB HP:  https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmasters

Dear Spark members and friends:

Welcome to an extraordinary day as we embark on a quest to unravel the enchantment of languages! We are delighted to invite a distinguished professional interpreter to share her invaluable experiences and insights accumulated throughout her career in the field of translation. We can Understand how to adapt to cultural differences during the translation process to achieve optimal communication results; Stimulate your creativity and enhance your expressive abilities in translation through case studies and discussions. If you are not aiming to become an interpreter, you still can find a different way for learning English in this workshop.  This is an exceptional opportunity to delve into the art of translation and explore the magic of language together.
And perfect interpretation skills are required to help people understand each other, therefore "Understanding" will be our meeting theme this week.

All assignment takers please answer the question below to TME or GE

Q: Do you think it's important to try to fully understand how other people see things before you share your own thoughts and ideas?

Venue: 台北市北投區石牌路二段115號9F (石牌捷運站1號出口,步行約6分鐘即可抵達)

FB HP:  https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub
See you soon

Jeff Huang

Spark's VPE 2022~2023

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