2022年9月19日 星期一

更新版 - [Spark TMC] Joing meeting with NTPC on 9/22 聯合例會 - Revised

嗨! 大家好

Spark下周的例會將會與新北市政府英語國際演講會一起聯合例會唷! 時間一樣但地點有改, 地點是在小樹屋 - 香楠 703, 地址:民生東路一段58號7樓-703房, 門鎖密碼:8402 *(活動前五分鐘生效), 地點的詳情如附件議程表,或是參考以下連結


如果有任何問題, 請聯繫Spark的幹部們.

這次的會議主題是"Cheers", 請所有的小幫手們以及要上台的與會人員, 請在開會前回答下面的問題給總主持人或者是總評論員唷!

Q: Tell us something to be celebrated.

另外, 當天請與會的各位, 請務必配戴口罩, 並且遵守防疫規範, 如果有任何不舒服的狀況, 請務必在家中休息, 不要勉強自己唷! 請大家一起來同樂!


Hi! Everyone,


Spark will have a joint meeting with NTPC toastmasters club next week. So, the meeting time will be the same as usual but the location will be changed as follows 小樹屋 - 香楠 703, 地址:民生東路一段58號7樓-703房, 門鎖密碼:8402 *(活動前五分鐘生效) . Enclosed please kindly refer to the attachment agenda and the link below


If you have any questions, please contact Spark's officer team.  

And, The meeting theme is "Cheers", All assignment takers please answer the following question to TME Jeff or GE Christina.

Q: Tell us something to be celebrated.

Also, please follow the CDC regulation and wear a mask during the meeting. If you feel sick or uncomfortable, please stay at home and rest.


See you in our joint meeting.


Spark's VPM 2022-2023 

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