對於 Spark 來說,這是一個特殊的一週。你知道為什麼嗎?是的,我們可愛的 Spark toastmasters 俱樂部已經 24 歲了。與此同時,中秋佳節也即將來臨。所以,我們將在這個星期四舉行一個特別的會議,"Spark 中秋生日會"。我們很高興邀請您和您的朋友與我們一起慶祝。
在這次會議上,Spark 特別租用了"Happ.小樹屋-桂竹203。"地址為中正路235巷4號2樓-203室,密碼為"5531*"。我們會為每位會員和客人準備一些零食和飲料,我們可以在溫暖舒適的會議室裡吃喝。但煩請自行帶杯子來。當然,我們也歡迎你們帶一些你們自己喜歡的零食或食物前來與我們分享。
由於這是一個特別的會議,所以這次我們會在服裝上有一些小要求。就是會要求參加者將跟"Spark"或"The Moon"的相關元素放在身上。如裝飾、角色扮演、顏色、圖案等。在會議結束時,我們將會選出當晚的最佳造型,而獲勝者將獲得我們Spark社長特別提供的特別獎。非常期待看到你的創意。
所有的小幫手們以及要上台的與會人員, 請在開會前回答下面的問題給總主持人或者是總評論員唷!
Q: What is the most unforgettable celebration or ceremony that you have ever had?
FB粉專: https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub
Hello guys:
This is a special week for Spark. Do you know why? Yes, our lovely Spark toastmasters club has turned 24 years old. At the same time, the Mid-Autumn Festival is right on the corner. So, we are going to hold a special meeting this Thursday, "Spark Mid-Autumn birthday club ceremony". We are pleased to invite all of you and your friends to celebrate with us.
In this meeting, Spark rents "Happ. 小樹屋 - 桂竹 203." The address is 中正路235巷4號2樓-203室 and the password is "5531 *". And We will prepare some snacks and beverages that we can eat and drink in a warm and nice meeting room for each member and guest. Of course. Please bring your own cup or glass to hold a drink. We also welcome you guys to bring your favorite snacks or foods to the ceremony and share them with us.
Since it is a special ceremony, there is a dress code this time. Please put elements that are related to "Spark" or" The Moon" on your body. Such as decorations, cosplay, colors, patterns, etc. At the end of the ceremony, we will elect the best dressed of the night and the winner will win a special prize from our president. looking forward to seeing your creativity.
No doubt, the meeting theme is "Celebration".
All assignment takers please answer the following question to TME Bryian or GE Ron.
Q: What is the most unforgettable celebration or ceremony that you have ever had?
Please share with us your thoughts and have a good time together on 9/8. The draft agenda is attended. If you have any questions, just let us know by leaving messages or reviews on our fan page.
FB Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub
See you all on Aug. 9
Spark's VPE Jeff Huang 2022~2023
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