Hi! 火花們與朋友們, 大家好~
令人期待的例會就要來啦! 這次, 我們的主題是"超級好朋友"! 在我們的人生中, 我們可能會擁有很多朋友, 但是當你陷入困境的時候, 有多少朋友會支持你, 鼓勵你呢? 另外, 你跟你的BFF(最佳好友)之間, 有過甚麼令人印象深刻的美好回憶嗎?
這次, 我們回歸的老友, Andrew Tiffany, 將會是我們的總主持人,並且介紹與會人員對於此次主題的回應.
對了對了! 你知道, Spark也有Accupass嗎? 我們會在Accupass分享例會的消息, 請追蹤我們的Accupass帳號, 這樣, 我們每次發表新活動的時候, 你就不會錯過囉! 而且, 如果你身邊有對我們有興趣的朋友們, 也可以直接發Accupass的活動網址給他, 邀請他來一起同樂唷! 是不是很方便呢?
附件為我們的會議流程表, 如果你有任何問題, 歡迎在我們的粉專留言唷!
Hi, Sparks and dear friends,
Our next meeting is right around the corner. This time, our meeting theme will be "Buddies and Best Friends". In our life, we might have lots of friends, but when you in trouble, how many will support you or encourage you? And, how many are fantastic experiences that you share with your BFF?
In this meeting, our old friend, Andrew Tiffany, will be our TME and share all assignment takers' opinions with you. Don't miss our meeting.
By the way, do you know Spark has "Accupass"? We will share our meeting information in "Accupass". Please follow our account and you won't miss every publish. Now, you may share this link with anyone who may be interested in Spark.
All assignment takers please answer one of the below questions to TME or GE
所有與會工作人員, 請從下列問題中挑選一提, 回答給總主持人或者是總評論員.
- Please share an interesting or deeply impressive episode between you and your buddies.
- What is the most touching thing that your best friends have done for you?
- How do you define Buddies or Best friends?
- Anything that you want to share with us.
Enclosed please find our agenda for your reference. If you have any questions, please leave your message on our Facebook fans page.
See you in Spark, rain or shine.
Susan Chang
Spark's VPE 2020-2021