2021年1月11日 星期一

[Spark TMC] 1/14有例會唷! We will have a meeting on Jan 14th.

Hi 大家好


 很快的1月就這麼過了半個月, 農曆新年也快要到了, 大家是不是已經在滿心期待年終獎金了呢?

說到獎金, 大家知道"財富自由"嗎? 本周的主題就是要來看看大家對於財富自由這件事情的看法

我們的例會將會在1/14舉辦, 附件為我們的流程表, 若大家有任何的問題, 請直接聯繫VPE: chang_s_f@hotmail.com , 或者是直接到我們的粉絲頁留言唷 https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub 

而與會的工作人員與演講者們, 請回答下列問題給TME(總主持人), 以及GE(總評論員)

  1. 你有聽說過財富自由嗎? 在你的想法裡面, 所謂的財富自由是怎樣的狀態?
  2. 你有做任何的理財規劃嗎? 你比較偏好哪一種標的物呢 (股票? 基金? 儲蓄型保險? 其他?)?


Hi! Sparks and friends,
Happy New Year!
Time flies so fast! Our coming meeting is just right around the corner. Also, the Luna New year Holiday will be coming soon. Besides preparing the stuff for New Year, everyone is expecting the New Year bonus, right?
Speak of bonus, have you ever heard about "financial independence?" This week, our meeting theme will be financial independence. Our assignment takers will share their opinions in the meeting.
For Jan 14th meeting, the draft agenda is as attached. If you have any questions, please kindly contact our VPE: chang_s_f@hotmail.com or send messages via our Facebook fan page
As to assignment takers, please kindly send your answer to GE or TME.
  1. Have you ever heard about financial independence? In your opinion, what is financial independence?
  2. Have you ever had financial planning? What kinds of objects that you concern about most?

See you in Spark!

Susan Chang

Spark VPE 2020-2021





