Hi, 大家好
終於到了2020年最後的例會了, 今年一整年有太多的風雨, 大家都辛苦了. 為了迎接嶄新的一年, 年底的時候我們除了會問候很久不見的老朋友們, 也會獻上我們的祝賀, 所以這次最後的主題就是"問候與祝福"
而且除了精彩可期的備稿演講之外, 這次還有交換禮物的遊戲可以玩唷! 詳細規則都在附件啦, 買個NT$300-500的小禮物, 一起來參加, 讓年底一起熱鬧起來, 放鬆一下~
當天還有主題穿著唷! 主題是"閃亮"
可以的話, 請穿戴會讓自己閃閃發亮的衣著或者是飾品前來參加
附上我們的流程表, 給您參考
Hi, Sparks and Friends,
Finally, the last meeting in 2020 is right at the corner, we have been through too many things this year, but we survived! For welcoming a brand new and bright year, our meeting theme will be "Greeting & Blessing". Hope the coming year will be smoothly and peacefully.
Besides our brilliant prepared speeches, we will have a gift exchange session for fun! There are some small notices as attached, please prepare a gift which values between NT$300-500 and joins our event! Let's have fun together.
Also, we will have a dressing code " Be shiny", please ware shiny cloth or accessories and join our party.
All assignment takers please answer one of the below questions to TME or GE,
- The new year is coming, will you prepare greeting cards or postcards for sending your blessing? Why or why not?
- Whom you would like to send your blessing to most? Why?
- Have you ever print or design your card? Please share your best work and the reason you print or design.
Enclosed please find our draft agenda and the invitation for your reference. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Looking forward to seeing you in Spark!
Susan Chang
Spark's VPE 2020-2021.