Hi, Everyone,
嗨, 大家好~
We have uploaded the photos which took on Jul 23rd on our Facebook fans page. Please click this link https://reurl.cc/d0El1q and feel free to tag yourself, share and leave some reviews. Also, the live steam video is here, https://reurl.cc/z8xd8Q . If you missed our meeting, you may watch the video to enjoy our speech and activities.
我們已經上傳了7/23會議的照片到我們的粉絲專頁囉, 連結在這邊https://reurl.cc/d0El1q, 歡迎大家來按讚, 分享, 留言~
另外, 我們也有開直播唷! 如果你錯過了我們的聚會, 可以看直播的回放檔來看看當天我們的精彩演講與內容 https://reurl.cc/z8xd8Q
Our next meeting will be on Aug 13th. If you have time, welcome to join our meeting.
我們下次的會議是在8/13, 如果你有時間的話, 歡迎來參加我們的活動
By the way, we have uploaded some meeting details on Accupass. If you are interested in our event, or you want to introduce us to your lovely friends and family, please click this link, https://www.accupass.com/go/Spark496
歐對了, 我們現在還有開Accupass, 如果你對活動有興趣, 或者你身邊對我們的活動有興趣, 都可以進入這個連結報名唷(當然沒報名直接殺來也是可以的XD) https://www.accupass.com/go/Spark496
Feel free to sign up!
Looking forward to seeing you in Spark soon.
Susan Chang
Spark's VPM 2020-2021