Hi! Dear Sparks and Lovely friends,
目前幹部群已經決議, 到六月底以前, 可能都不會進行實體的會議, 除非市政府提早將場地歸還給我們.
Before we publish the draft agenda of our next meeting on Mar 26th, here is something that we would like to let you know.
Due to the serious situation of COVID-19, the city government has been forced to close some public venues, including ours. Our venue will be closed until Jun. However, in order to protect the learning right of every member and friends, we found a solution.
From Mar 26th, we will change our meeting style into online meetings by "Zoom". For members, we will have a pre-test on Mar 23rd and will run the official meeting on Mar 26th.
Later, we will send the link of online meeting to our members privately.
For those friends who would like to join us, please kindly leave your message on our fans page https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub/
Or, write email to chang_s_f@hotmail.com
We will send the link to you by return.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us by leaving message or email to chang_s_f@hotmail.com
由於新型冠狀肺炎的影響, 之後我們所有的會議都會改成線上型態, 將會用 Zoom這個軟體進行, 如果希望參加我們會議的夥伴們, 請在粉絲專業留言給我們, 或者是寫信到 chang_s_f@hotmail.com這個信箱, 了解更多詳情
為了維持會議的品質與順暢, 我們不會公布線上會議的網址, 請有興趣的人直接聯繫我們
線上會議與一般會議不一樣, 有些東西需要先行設定, 有些規定也需要先行溝通
目前幹部群已經決議, 到六月底以前, 可能都不會進行實體的會議, 除非市政府提早將場地歸還給我們.
我們將在3/23舉辦線上會議演練, 3/26將會是我們第一場的正式線上會議
希望在這波嚴峻的疫情中, 大家都能夠平安無事
等待疫情過去, 我們再來4D(實體)會面也不遲!
Hope we can see you online soon.
Take care!
Susan Chang
Spark's VPE 2019-2020