2018年5月28日 星期一

[Spark TMC] The Game was brilliant! Come and see the photos!

Hi! My dear friends and members,


We did an amazing job and had a magnification meeting on May 24th.

The photos of our "Escape The Room" and other things are here: https://goo.gl/RTnAAj 


We did it in a really fun way and enjoy it so much. Thank for our wonder women, Nicole and Christina, work this special event so hard. Especially, Nicole, she made all decorations and design whole games.


Not only the amazing variety but also the brilliant speakers and IEs. All speakers and IEs are fantastic! The atmosphere was so hot!


All in all, thank you for coming to our meeting. Spark will push our limit and combine fun and learning in our meetings.


If you missed our meetings, just add our Line account - @rwd7656v

We will keep you in the loop!


See you next time in Spark!


Susan Chang

Spark's VPPR 2017-2018

