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Spark Toastmasters Club 成立於1999年9月,我們提供一個可以輕鬆練習英文、交朋友的環境。 於每個月的第2及第4個星期四,晚上7:10~9:00有聚會,歡迎有興趣的朋友與我們連絡喔!
Q1: Have you ever experienced a generation gap ? Please share with us your personal experience.
Q2: Share with us your tips for communicating across generations.
嗨, 大家好
我們這次12/12 的例會主題是:How Technology Is Transforming Our Lives
Q1: What is the innovative technologies you use daily?
Q2: What innovative technology products do you hope to have?
FB粉專: https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub
Dear Sparks and Friends,
Our regular meeting will be held on 12th Dec., and the theme is "How Technology Is Transforming Our Lives".
Technology has become an essential part of our daily lives, shaping how we work, communicate, and interact with the world. From important advancements in healthcare and education to the growing use of artificial intelligence and digital tools, technology constantly changes what we can achieve. This topic encourages us to look at the major changes brought by technology, think about its effects on our personal and professional lives, and imagine the future it might create. By understanding both the benefits and challenges, we can better appreciate how technology shapes our world.
All assignments takers, please answer one follows questions to TME Christina.
Q1: What is the innovative technologies you use daily?
Q2: What innovative technology products do you hope to have?
Please share with us your thoughts and have a good time together on 12/12. The draft agenda is attended. If you have any questions, just let us know by leaving the messages or reviews on our fans page.
FB Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/Sparktoastmastersclub
See you soon.
Steven Wu