What do we have during meetings / 會議流程說明

說明如下 / Described as followings:

1. 我們聚會的時候在做什麼?
1. What are we doing in the meeting?


Our regular meeting contains several sessions including 'Introduction', 'Variety session', 'Prepared speech', 'Table topics session', 'Evaluation session' and 'Awards and Closing'.
2. 歡迎及開場介紹
2. Welcome & Introduction


President will welcome all members and guests as well as introduce Toastmasters of the meeting. Afterwards, the Toastmasters will introduce his or her three helpers, Timer, Ah counter and Vote counter, and then kick the ball rolling. 
3. 多元化單元
3. Variety Session


This is the appetizer of the meeting. The session master will design some activities, such as jokes telling, singing or games. To make people feel relax and are ready for coming sessions.
4. 演講單元
4. Prepared Speech Session


This is the main course of the meeting. During this session, there might be 4 to 6 members to deliver his/her speech. The speech should last 4 to 10 minutes according to his/her handbook (Educational Program). Surely, the most improved speaker and the best speaker will be awarded as well.
5. 來賓自我介紹
5. Guest Introduction

本單元將會請所有來賓利用 30 秒的時間簡單短地自我介紹。

During the introduction session, every guest might have 30 seconds to introduce himself or herself.
6. 中場休息及團體照
6. Intermission and Group Photos


It's time for break. Let people have time to refresh and talk to others. Before intermission, Spark arranges to take group photos.
7. 即席演講單元
7. Table Topics Session


The master of this session usually writes some interesting questions to let member think on their feet. The members chosen by the master have to deliver an instant speech according to the specific question. It's quite challengeable, but full of fun. 
8. 講評單元
8. Evaluation Session

在講評單元中,我們會為每一個演講者安排一個講評者,此講評者會針對演講者在當日的表現做評比,指出那些值得保持,那些可以再進步;而語言講評(Language Evaluator)則是指出在當日的演講中,那些片語或用法是值得與大家分享的,而那些用法是不正確的,希望大家以後能說得正確。

This session is to evaluate whether or not the prepared speeches are good. Every prepared speaker will be evaluated by his/her Individual Evaluator. The IE will point out what he/she performed well and what he/she should improve in next speech. This is very educational and knowledgeable. The Language Evaluator will share some good sentences and phases in today's speeches. The LE will also point out wrong usages found in today's speeches. Therefore, the position of LE is always arranged to one of our three treasurable English teachers.
9. 頒獎
9. Award & Closing Session


In order to make the meeting interesting and encouraged, we will award the most improved speaker, the best table topic speaker, the best session master, the best evaluator and the best speaker.

