2018年6月25日 星期一

[Spark TMC] Welcome to Spark's No. 447 meeting

Dear Spark members and most welcome guests,

Happy Summer~🎉
The weather is getting hotter, and there is no better choice than staying indoors to spend the hot weather.

In this coming meeting, we would like to know what kind of entertainment does everyone like to do? 
Reading Books? Watching Movies? or Playing Games?

Why do you like to do those entertainments with friends? Any special or interesting reason?
Will you get huge satisfaction and happiness by doing those activities?

Attached is the agenda for this coming meeting.
Please join us and share your favorite entertainment with us.
See you soon in Spark.

Kind Regards, 
Sherry Lee

VPE of Spark Toastmasters Club 2017/18
Mobile: 0987-087-208

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