2017年10月17日 星期二

[Spark TMC] Come and Join The Final Fall Conference! 來參加最後的秋季大會吧!

Hi! My dear Sparks and Friends,😘


~ 親愛的Spark跟朋友們大家好呀!😘



We, Toastmaster International, will hold the Fall Conference in Taipei on Nov 25th and 26th at張榮發國際會議中心. Enclosed please find the Fall Con introduction PPT for your reference.😁


台灣的吐司界, 將會在11/2526兩日, 於張榮發國際會議中心舉辦秋季大會!






Some of you might have a question, what is Fall Conference?😎

Usually, we will have a biannual conference for the whole Taiwan toastmaster members. In the conference, we will have the speech contests with different languages and lots of fantastic workshop for your learning.

Besides, we always invite someone with great achievement for giving a keynote speech. And the most important thing is our dinner party. All members and guests are gathering together, having dinner, singing, and dancing. You will love that!


好吧! 有些人會問, 甚麼是秋季大會?😎

簡單的說就是吐司界, 半年一次會為了全國的吐司會員們舉辦個大會. 在大會裡面,會有不同語言的演講比賽,以及精采的工作坊等著你來發現新世界!

除此以外, 我們還會邀請一些海外的重量級人物來做演講, 雖然是英文, 但不要緊, 吐司界人才濟濟, 我們有著名的口譯專家全程為你即時翻譯. 不過可惜的是, 如果是像Spark這樣的英語分會,是無法申請口譯器材的, 可是你要是非英語會成員(包含非吐司界會員),應該就可以申請的!

再來就是超重要的部分, 我暱稱它為吐司界同樂會, 每年的晚宴就是個亮點! 除了美食,還有會員們的歌唱與舞蹈表演! 錯過實在是太可惜了!! 壞心點的(像我)還可以拍點奇妙的照片來紀念XD



The special thing in Fall Con is that we will have evaluation contest and Humorous speech contest. By the contests, you may not only learn lots of things that you can apply to your own evaluation and speeches but also have lots of fun!


秋季大會最特別的地方,就是我們有講評比賽與幽默演講比賽, 來聽比賽不只可以學到東西, 還可以笑破肚皮! 這種好康哪裡找!!




Here comes the point, how much it cost?

This year, the early bird price at whole package for 2 days is NT$2,150, and for students under 25 years old, we will have another special price.

Also, if you place the whole package, you will get a small souvenir.


好的! 最後來到最重要的地方了! 啊到底多少錢?

今年, 我們的兩天全包的早鳥票價是NT$2,150, 如果你是25歲以下的學生,恭喜你,我們還有學生優惠價唷! 這種好康我當初根本就沒有啊QQ!!!




If you think the whole package is not a great idea for you, don't worry, you may choose those events you love and buy the entrance tickets separately.


如果你覺得兩天全包對你太沉重, 別擔心, 你可以單買你要的票就好唷!



So, what are you waiting for? The early bird only opens until 10/20! Sign up now and let's have fun in Fall Con!!😍


所以你還在等甚麼?! 早鳥票只有到10/20! 快點來報名秋季大會,給自己一個不一樣的周末吧!😘




Susan Chang
Spark's VPPR 2017-2018

