2017年8月15日 星期二

[Fall Con] We got the official LOGO Layout!

Dear TMC members,


Here is some news for you!


Regarding the Chinese Slogan, after the voting via 157 TMC members, the winner is Jade Lee from Spark. The original Chinese Slogan she designed is "邁向頂尖 活得精彩!"


However, the committee members have discussed on Aug 6th and modified it a little bit for reaching and getting closer to the TMC spirit.


We modified the original Chinese Slogan from "邁向頂尖 活得精彩!" to "邁向巔峰 活的精彩!".(Thanks for Trini's brilliant idea)


Also, the committee members have decided the Logo Layout in our last meeting, the winner is Peyton Kim from 府城雙語 club.

Please find the layout below.


Have a nice day!

Susan Chang

Area G3 director 2017-2018







關於中文標語的部分,經過157位會員投票後, SparkJade Lee獲得了第一名, 她所設計的標語為"邁向頂尖 活得精彩!"


而經過8/6委員會的開會討論後,為了更符合TMC精神, 將從原來的"邁向頂尖 活得精彩!", 稍稍修正為"邁向巔峰 活的精彩!"(感謝Trini的建議)


正式的LOGO設計也已經出來了! 經過委員會討論後, 恭喜府城雙語的Peyton Kim的設計成為本次秋季大會的正式LOGO!!



Susan Chang

Area G3 director 2017-2018

