2017年7月27日 星期四

[Area G3] Fall Con Logo Competition 秋季大會LOGO競圖

Dear talented Toastmasters:



It's time to design a new logo for our most important event of the year, the Annual Fall Conference, which will be held in Taipei on 25 & 26 November!  We invite all talented Toastmasters to use your imagination to create and submit your best design that embraces the theme of this term " Aim High! Thrive and Shine" The Chinese Slogan is "邁向頂尖,活得精彩"


終於到了我們要來為今年的秋季大會設計新LOGO的時候了! 今年的秋季大會將會在11/25&26 於台北舉行. 我們想要邀請各位多才多藝,創意無限的會員們, 來設計秋季大會的新LOGO. 我們的英文標語為: " Aim High! Thrive and Shine"



You can also check out our recently completed online logo projects for inspiration. Enclosed please find the photo for your reference, or refer to the signup link below.

若是需要一些靈感的話, 歡迎參考往年的LOGO做為發想. 請詳見附件圖片或下方報名連結


Logo requirement:

- Ensure all graphics are sufficiently large (and in suitable file format) for clear printing of stage banner, posters etc… and is also suitable for FB page, website, and handbook printing.

- Ensure images used does not contain copyrights.


1.      檔案的解析度要夠, 因為這是要列印在舞台後方, 旗幟, 以及海報上, 並且會發表在FB頁面上,手冊上與其他宣傳品上, 所以解析度與尺寸都需要考量

2.      請確定使用的素材與圖片符合著作權法, 請勿在未取得素材與圖片製作或拍攝者同意之前使用, 以免之後有版權上的問題!


Please sign up via the following link. After you sign up, you will receive a link in two days to upload your files.



Submit your creative entry by Aug 5th to Susan Chang, Area G3 Director. If you have any questions, please let me know via email. My email: chang_s_f@hotmail.com

請進入下列網址填寫您的基本資料. 您將於填寫後兩天內,收到一個上傳檔案的網址, 請將您的設計上傳到該網址內.


所有的設計都應於8/5以前上傳! 若有任何問題, 請與我聯繫. 我的mail: chang_s_f@hotmail.com


Have a nice day!


Susan Chang, Area G3 director 2017-2018

