2016年12月10日 星期六

Thank you for coming to Spark No. 410 meeting

Dear Spark member and most welcome guest,

Thank you for coming to Spark's "My hometown" meeting. 
It's really nice to have all of you join the meeting with us. 
So we can understand everyone's home town and know more about each other.

The photo of #410 meeting have uploaded to our fan page! 
If you like our meeting and those photos, please share with your friends. 

Spark fan page / Spark 粉絲團: 

album / 相簿網址: 

Below is the group photo we took in Spark.
We hope you enjoy your time with us.
Have a happy weekend!😄

Kind Regards, 
Sherry Lee

VPPR of Spark Toastmasters Club 2016/17
Mobile: 0987-087-208


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