2016年11月26日 星期六

Thank you for coming to Spark #409 meeting

Dear Spark member and most welcome guest,

Thank you for coming to Spark educational coffee meeting. 
Just like our president Nicole said, "Joining Spark meeting is like having a Kinder surprise(健達出奇蛋), one visit, you get 3 surprises". 
Because our meeting is educational, fun, and full of amazing people, once you experienced it, you will L-O-V-E it! 
It's really nice to have all of you join the meeting with us. 
So we can enjoy the Kinder surprise together without getting fat. (hahaha~)

The photo of #409 meeting have uploaded to our fan page! 
If you like our meeting and those photos, please share with your friends. 

Spark fan page / Spark 粉絲團: 

album / 相簿網址: 

Below is the group photo we took in Spark.
We hope you enjoy your time with us.
Have a happy weekend!😄

Kind Regards, 
Sherry Lee

VPPR of Spark Toastmasters Club 2016/17
Mobile: 0987-087-208


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