2013年11月17日 星期日

FW: Elephant English Meeting on Friday Nov.22

Dear all,

The meeting agenda of Elephant English meeting. The theme is "Money".
Please refer to the attachment.


Steve Chiu <s.chiu2010@gmail.com> 於 2013/11/17 (週日) 1:05 PM 寫道﹕
Dear Elephant members and the most welcomed guests,

The attached draft agenda of Elephant as for your reference, please
take a look............

As we all know that a great leader has good leadership, creativity,
dreams, action and money. "Is that Right?"

"No!" Money is not the part of requirement – imagination is.

The meeting theme of Elephant on Friday Nov.22 is " Money". Do you
have any ideas talking about " Money"? Please kindly send a message to
T.M.E/Vincent Chu or G.E/M.J. Yeh if you are Assignment
Takers/Speakers or Evaluators, thank you very much.

Have a nice Sunday,

邱 志 山
Steve Chiu

home: 02-2871-0831
Toastmasters Intenational, District 67

