2019年10月18日 星期五

[Spark TMC] The Halloween meeting. Who will win the gift?

Hi, dear Sparks and Friends,


Here comes the Draft agenda of our Halloween meeting!


As I said, we will have a fantastic workshop and everyone will wear their customs for this special meeting.

Please bring your customs and have fun with us. Let's Partyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!


Also, we will select some winners of Halloween custom,

The customs Queen, the customs King, the most creative customs, and the spookiest customs.

We will provide a small gift to our winners. Don't miss our Halloween meeting on 10/24.


Oh, by the way, all assignment takers please answer the questions to TME or GE,

Our meeting theme is "A different you"

Please pick one question to answer,

  1. Is there anything that your reaction is totally different from your imagination? Please share your story with us.
  2. In your life, are there any turning points that make you become a different person than before?


All in all, we look forward to seeing you in Spark.

Trick or Treat~


Susan Chang,

Spark's VPE 2019-2020


